1. I have three options for after high school, and I don't like any of them. One is stay in Texas and go to school here, another is go to school out of state, and the third is not go to college, they all have their obvious downsides, but to me, they're all evenly matched. (I used to think that not going to college was something only dreadful incompetents did... now I realize either it's not, or I am one of those incompetents). I dream of finding that catch, or loophole, or getting that big break that will keep me from the dreaded halls of another school after I'm done with my current one, but I know that dream will probably never come true.
2. I feel like I have realized my true passion too late in life to fully adapt and create a career out of it, unless my odd knack for getting really lucky kicks in.
3. I think in sentences, and often times talk to myself in my head (although it's more an inner monologue than a dialogue).
4. My biggest fear is having to work in an office the rest of my life.
5. I (like most teens) wish my parents' rules were more lax, although I really do think I have more reason to than any other person I've met (Although, again, most teens would say the same thing).
6. I often become very deep and depressing when filling things like this out, I think this is because my innermost thoughts are much darker than the outward appearance I portray to people. I wouldn't call myself a depressed person though, on the contrary, I'm a very happy person.
7. I wish I were supported more in my creative aspirations than I am. It's not that my parents don't support me, or don't try to support me, it's more that they (no matter how hard they try) can't understand that to me, music and movies are much more important than grades and school.
I shall tag a couple people, but I only really know two to tag...
- Inspired - The only blogger that actively comments and reads everything I post.
- Savannah - of Miss Self Proclaimed Artistic - the only person I know my age who is as creatively varied as I think everyone should be.
"the way it works." Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. Hope you find some fun with this.
nice one and trust you keep going and have a great New Year.. \o/
i think a will pass on the tag ;o]
i feel bad responding so late, but i honestly just recieved your comment.
im working on writing them myself right now, and i seem to be experiencing some of the feels you wrote about.
i hope you dont mind but some of your 7 promted me to write my version of the same.
and wow most important of all i forgot to thank you for the compliment, it means more then something coming from you. i just smiled and sat here for a long while staring at it, and would like you to know i think the same of you.
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