Monday, December 1, 2008

I've been working on A TON of writing. This creative writing class I'm in has been helping to keep me motivated to write, which is good, because I love writing.

I'll try posting more in the coming weeks.

constructive criticism is always helpful.

A City’s Thick-Veined Hand in Collapse

The run-down ruins of a ghost’s abandoned metropolis

erupt from the concrete-stained surface of the earth.

Where legs once stampeded from house to home, from home to work

and back again

by misguided people lost in the world they knew.

From here, the souls’ feet are maggots of time,

peaking their ugly heads through the structures they created.

They are long since abandoned, the lucky ones

boarded, saved from Saturn’s thick-veined hands, the unlucky ones

bear the scars of his abuse, shattered windows,

with sick remains stretching out to slash a misguided arm

reaching in to take the only remaining memory of another.

Beyond the offices lie the beds their cars

once occupied throughout the light of day, but now

only rusted metal shards stare back at the onlookers.

Cars a far-away memory now, or simply a box which contains

far-away memories.

Upon the rust and dust, the great conquerer!

In cahoots with time, nature took her toll

and a small signature of her work grows upon those enslaved.

A thin and sickly layer covers all, a moss hardly fit

to cover even the smallest of rocks, simply an icing

to their work to destroy.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Autumn's Physics

Day three or four of posting a poem everyday? I don't know. But this is the one I am most proud of as far as form and set-up goes. as for Language, however, I think I could have done better, but maybe you'll think differently.

Remember the crisp autumn leaves
Falling into gravity’s clutches
Like the perfect little examples
Of physics that they were?
I whisper softly into her ear
Remember the days leading up to winter?
Remember the breaths of autumn
That we took in together?
Remember the smell?
The air of the season?
Remember the taste of each other’s lips
Pressed between the pages of our books
Like the dead, but beautifully dead shapes
That fell from the sky?

I remember
She responds
I remember the red flames that shot
From your lips, that singed my hair
I remember your words burned
Like the blazing summer sun, and
I remember all the times I thought that we
Were forever one, but as the season drew to a close
As the snow covered the tree’s beautiful children
Everything seemed dead to me, every cold wind
Reflected your outer appearance, and
Every snowflake had lost its virginal glow
Every day the world grew colder, and
Every day the limbs that connected us became
More stiff, and more dead, until that grand day when
The final blow was struck down, breaking the icicles
That linked us, and setting me free.

But do you remember the autumn?

I only remember the fall.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Arithmetic Warfare

I am trying to continue writing every day at least until school starts, and I've been doing great, except for the fact that I wrote something yesterday AFTER I had posted my old poem titled "O! What A Night" well, here it is, what I wrote yesterday, and tomorrow I will post what I wrote today, and so on. I hope I'll have my internet working again tomorrow, but we'll see. For now I'm borrowing a laptop from someone.

This poem is called Arithmetic Warfare, and is a poem geared towards children about the horrors of war. It's not exactly my best work, but I think the ending is pretty powerful, so perhaps your excuse it's fallacies once you reach the end.

All the children
Punished for not knowing
See the rabbits and deer
And dogs and cats
And little baby birds who cannot fly
Run from where they once were
To where they will later reside.
It is not that they play
But that they sense
They sense things we do not
And those senses are flaring on this day.

That is why you are the punished children
You are the ones who do not know
The birds and beasts
The fish and sheep
They know of what comes as you sit
Alone in your classroom
Listening to the teacher's drones
Instead of the drones from the sky.

Above is the fury of another world
Falling upon us
And you
You learn of three times two
Is six little airplanes flying above
Four times two is the eight little bombs
And twelve times two
are the twenty four little boys
And little girls
Who will not make it home tonight.

Monday, August 18, 2008

O! What a Night!

This poem samples lots from different places, I took a line from the movie A Clockwork Orange,"Oh it was Gorgeousness and Gorgeosity made flesh", I took a line from a song by The Unicorns "But.... it yet remains"(an AMAZING rock band, if you're into really raw sounding pop-punk, they're for you), and I took a song title from a Babyshambles song (another amazing band, they're a british-indie-pop-rock band fronted by Pete Doherty) "La Belle et las Bette" and changed it around a bit, "Il était la belle sans la bête" . But, this is all my original work, I just think it's fun to allude to things like that.

I used an online translator for the French in the very last stanza, if anyone knows French, it would be WONDERFUL if you could post a comment that just translates that phrase exactly, and then maybe you could post what the proper grammar of it would be in French. Thank you, because I honestly don't know ANY French, but for some reason I have a strong desire for those two lines to be in French.

Flames fill my throat
Pressure, my head
I don't feel it
But it has happened
I have crossed over
Another world,
Another time
Another place
A place I don't remember
But a place I have lived all my life.

Conversations are lost
To the winds of the warm afternoon
To the fog in my head
To the sense of vision
It has taken over my memory
Like a silent movie, short clips play
Over and over again in my mind
I don't remember them
They didn't happen to me
But they did happen to me

The lights dance before my eyes
One color contains all
They dance like bulls in china shops
Graceful, but without a purpose
It's better on the ground
It's always better on the ground

Flying through time and space
Something I don't remember
The silent film plays on loop
But I can not read lips
And these lips do not speak
We reach the end
I remember the end

A new time
A new place
And a new set of stars
to feast my eyes upon
The sirens close in
But the sirens I shove back
They reach the back of my mind
And there they are muffled
Everything is new, old and new.

I have seen it before
But it is new to me.

O! the beauty
Alas, the visions of my life had all been lies
All but this one whisper softly
Behind my back, horrible falsehoods
But this one, this vision
It yet remains.

Green sprouts, how does it grow?
Brown clumps, how did they die?

Then it all ceases
The questions are silent again
The beat of a drum is all that is left
The drums play like never before
O! It was gorgeousness and Gorgeosity made flesh
It was the beauty missing the beast
Il était la belle sans la bête
I don't want it to end
But it all ends too quickly

I remember the morning
The night is gone forever
Though, O! what a night it was
The voices lost to time
The visions scratched as film prints
Il est allé
Mais je me rappelled
O! How I remember

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Forever's Children

I just wrote this, and I just remembered I have a blog to post poems and stuff in.... oh how I have forsaken you, my blog.

I am a failed poet, seeing as
Form eludes me
I do not know when to break lines
Or when a line should drag on, seemingly forever, into the depths of eternity.
But the truth hovers above the world
In black clouds that predict storms
And when the world sings
The storm breaks and truth
Reigns over the black lies that breathe
From forever's door.
And forever is shot into the darkness of
A thousand suns reversed
and we,
The children of the earth
Shall live for the now until the day
We too pass beyond forever's door
And see the remnants are merely never
And into the never us children fall

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Lyrical Poetry... again!

I wrote these a really long time ago. I think they're probably still my best, although there have been no plans as of yet to use them for my band, so I think I'll post them here, and see what people think.

Reasons to end our Courtship

Not feeling the touch of your hand again
Never tasting the sweet of your lip
These are my reasons to do it
The reasons to end our courtship

I don’t want to see your face again
Not after what you just did
I don’t know what I can do now
I don’t know if I can live

That look in your eyes makes my stomach
Feel like it’s going to give in
I used to long for your gaze
Now I can’t bear to see it again
I wanted your lips to touch mine
And we’d be as one for a while
But since I have seen you with him
I don’t think that we could reconcile

Your love is no longer for me
You only have eyes for him
And seeing your face light up
Makes me want take my life on a whim

I think of all ways to kill myself
Each one is worse than the rest
I can’t bring myself to do it
I can’t open the medicine chest

That look in your eyes makes my stomach
Feel like it’s going to give in
I used to long for your gaze
Now I can’t bear to see it again
I wanted your lips to touch mine
And we’d be as one for a while
But since I have seen you with him
I don’t think that we could reconcile

The blade in my hand is too dull
The pills just won’t make me forget
So I bring the light to my face
And drag on another cigarette

I convince myself that you were wrong
Just one more in a whole line of mistakes
And that I will find another one
Who won’t be such a goddamn flake

But that look in your eyes makes my stomach
Feel like it’s going to give in
I used to long for your gaze
Now I can’t bear to see it again
I wanted your lips to touch mine
And we’d be as one for a while
But since I have seen you with him
I don’t think that we could reconcile

Hope you liked them. Let me know what you think.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A New Lyrical Poem!

It's about Daniel Johnston, and not about Daniel Johnston.
It's about his music, and not about his music.
it's about copying his style, and trying to do something different from his style.

I hope you like it:

There's a dead dog laughing at a clown
you don't want to see his face
you don't want to see that frown
he displays on his face
no, you don't want to see that frown.

A man named Daniel asked
September '83
How are you, oh how are you gonna be?
you don't know the answer, you're hiding in the trees
because you can't feel that breeze
that is blowing in your face
oh no, you don't want to see his face

There's a dead dog laughing at a clown
you don't want to see his face
you don't want to see that frown
he displays on his face
no, you don't want to see that frown

A man named Johnston
December '85
continued this story
oh, it was worth a try
now whenever you hear it
you hear it you will cry

'cause there's a dead dog laughing at a clown
you don't want to see his face
you don't want to see that frown
he displays on his face
oh, no you don't want to see that frown