Sunday, December 23, 2007

Well, my aunt and very good friend Megan (of A Month of Todays and A Dot In Time) tagged me for this. I like these things. They make me think deeply about myself, and it helps, especially at a time when I'm feeling so lazy and trapped as far as creative ventures go. So, here it goes.

1. I have three options for after high school, and I don't like any of them. One is stay in Texas and go to school here, another is go to school out of state, and the third is not go to college, they all have their obvious downsides, but to me, they're all evenly matched. (I used to think that not going to college was something only dreadful incompetents did... now I realize either it's not, or I am one of those incompetents). I dream of finding that catch, or loophole, or getting that big break that will keep me from the dreaded halls of another school after I'm done with my current one, but I know that dream will probably never come true.

2. I feel like I have realized my true passion too late in life to fully adapt and create a career out of it, unless my odd knack for getting really lucky kicks in.

3. I think in sentences, and often times talk to myself in my head (although it's more an inner monologue than a dialogue).

4. My biggest fear is having to work in an office the rest of my life.

5. I (like most teens) wish my parents' rules were more lax, although I really do think I have more reason to than any other person I've met (Although, again, most teens would say the same thing).

6. I often become very deep and depressing when filling things like this out, I think this is because my innermost thoughts are much darker than the outward appearance I portray to people. I wouldn't call myself a depressed person though, on the contrary, I'm a very happy person.

7. I wish I were supported more in my creative aspirations than I am. It's not that my parents don't support me, or don't try to support me, it's more that they (no matter how hard they try) can't understand that to me, music and movies are much more important than grades and school.

I shall tag a couple people, but I only really know two to tag...
  • Inspired - The only blogger that actively comments and reads everything I post.
  • Savannah - of Miss Self Proclaimed Artistic - the only person I know my age who is as creatively varied as I think everyone should be.
The way it works: In a post on your blog, link to the person who tagged you and share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself...or make them up...who would know? Then tag 3 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs, along with
"the way it works." Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. Hope you find some fun with this.

Friday, November 2, 2007

O! How I hath forsaken you, dear blog!

O! How I hath forsaken you, dear blog!

I noticed today that I have been neglecting this blog. So, here is some of the stuff I've been working on:

1) I wrote a short story called "Love" (the title may change) It is in the process of being edited/rewritten and proofread by a couple close friends who I trust to be brutally honest. When those are done I'll post it here. I've been told it's really good, we'll see what you think.

2) Songs. LOTS of songs. I have been writing a huge number of poems and songs for my band Changes White. And here are a couple of them.

Nothing Wrong With Love
There’s nothing’ new
Under the sun
Now that everything’s
All said and done
I don’t know what to do
What to say
You aren’t even the one I want
So I say farewell to you
And your friends
Perhaps you’ll be much happier
In the end

Because there’s nothing wrong
With love
But you’re just not the one
That I’m thinking of
I won’t even miss you
When you’re gone
Maybe this is why
We are done

I want to see you happy
In the end
But not with me
Not my friends
When I’m with you it’s as if there’s
Nothing new
Under the sun
And I just want to be with
But you.

There is nothing wrong with love (y’know there’s nothing’ wrong)
Nothing wrong with love (now that our pain is gone)
Nothing wrong with love (and we can love again)
Nothing wrong, nothing wrong (with love)
Nothing wrong, nothing wrong(with love)
Nothing wrong, nothing wrong
Nothing wrong with love

And this next one is slightly pretentious. But it's always fun to create new things, and push the limits of the line between art and pretension. Besides being slightly pretentious, it's extremely depressing. Anyway, here it is. It's called:

One Man's Descent Into Madness After Break from Longtime Girlfriend and Lover Samantha Tucker

Common interest
Inner peace






Well, I suppose that's a happy enough note to end on.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Change! Progression! Advancement(?)

"Their dances which they vfe att their hyghe feastes"

Old English. I am not entirely sure the "vfe" word, but I am fairly certain this translates to something like "Their dances which they use at their huge feasts" or in more "correct" English "They dance (as shown) at large feasts"

It made me wonder when I saw this in my United States History class, why did the language change? Was it just progression? the V's changed to U's? Some words just lost letters after a long time?

That was my first thought, and it is probably true, but it is also very strange. Because this sentence was written in the 1600s. Just 200-something years ago. Or, to put it in better perspective, it was written just 100 years before the constitution (which uses 'proper' English) was written. The language hasn't really changed much in the past 100 years. What happened between the time that sentence was written and thought to be proper, and the time the United States constitution was written? Why did the English Language change so much over such a short period of time? why did it obtain new rules so fast?

I did a bit of research, because and found out that apparently what is written above isn't "Old English", as my English Teacher claimed. it is actually what is referred to as "Early Modern English" where words and rules used today were beginning to form, while still taking some of the grammar and pronunciation rules from Old English. The time line (according to Wikipedia) goes like this:

450-1100: Old English (like how Beowulf was written)
1100-1500: Middle English (author Geoffrey Chaucer wrote in this)
1500-1650: Early Modern English (what this was written in, and Shakespeare)
1650-present: Modern English

Old English is apparently a mixture between Germanic languages and the Romance Languages, It was largely pronounced phonetically, and had few grammar rules.
I hope you enjoyed this. I find it crazy how language changes over time. This is just a small sample off of one layer of the whole cake of languages.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Well, here it goes, my first real post on my writing blog. I hope it is recieved well. (wait, that would be e before i... I always do that)

So, here it is, a poem I wrote that was originally going to be a song with my band, but we are having great difficulty putting it to music, and still fitting it into the frame of our style. We may do it eventually, but until then, you can enjoy it right here:

Below her smile lies depression and torment
And all the years of sadness and pain.
She, over time, began to experiment
With everything she could obtain

Colors burst forth from the canvas and palate
Her eyes ripped open and could finally see
The sounds in her ears, like a string quartet,
Opened her up, and her heart was set free

Patterns arose from the smoldering depths
They enthralled her, and made her believe
That something out there, more important than love
Could change what everyone could achieve

Soon the magentas and bright turquoise explosions
Began to fade from her peripheral view
Her only true hope of better excursions
Was with the help of a psychedelic cue

Soon the only thing that people could see
Was the false exuberance she displayed
She buried her true identity
in the drugs that had initiated this charade

When the colors burst forth from the canvas and palate
Her eyes ripped open and could finally see
The sounds in her ears, like a string quartet
Opened her up, and her heart was set free

Patterns arose from the smoldering depths
They enthralled her, and made her believe
That something out there, more important than love
Could change what everyone could achieve

For her, the pain and suffering had just disappeared
But for family and friends there was a long road ahead
And eventually the call meant just as they feared
Her happy existence had put her on her death bed

As the world gathered ‘round her final resting place
And the sea of tears filled the void in their hearts
They did not understand what had happened to her
As her soul left her body, and her grave counterparts

That was when the colors burst forth from the canvas and palate
Her eyes ripped open and could finally see
The sounds in her ears, like a string quartet
Opened her up, and her heart was set free

Patterns arose from the smoldering depths
They enthralled her, and made her believe
That something out there, more important than love
Could change what everyone could achieve

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Test... Test

I started this and thought this would be my photography blog. It didn't work out like that. I thought of a better name for a photography blog, it wasn't taken, I took it. I really enjoy other types of art though. I have a film blog. I have a band website. I now have a photography blog. So, finally, here it is. My writing blog. I write short stories, abstract ideas that come to my mind when I'm thinking too much, and poems. I write a lot of other things as well.

I think words are very special. It's insane how you can put them all together and create something. Create something that, depending on how they were put together, not the point you are trying to make, can be beautiful, or really ugly.
They're just words, but they're fun do mess around with, don't you think?

I have written some poems, I will post those later. This will probably be updated just about once a week. Perhaps more, but I doubt it. Words are hard to come by. I don't want to run out.